LETTER TO MINISTER THOKO DIDIZA | Ministerial Technical Task Team for Animal Biosecurity | NAHF NPC Support 2021-08-25
Dear NAHF Members and Stakeholders,
Please find herewith the letter of support sent to Honourable Minister Thoko Didiza:
25 August 2021
Dear Honorable Minister Thoko Didiza,
The National Animal Health Forum NPC (NAHF) would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the election of an exceptional group of technical representatives to assist with the great task of biosecurity for animal health. The NAHF gives our full support and assistance in any way needed.
The NAHF agrees that specific and additional interventions by the national and provincial departments as well as industry are necessary to deal with these animal biosecurity issues as they impact severely on agricultural GDP and food security.
The media release has been shared with our stakeholders and received with a positive response. Our stakeholders and members include the Red Meat Producers Organisation (RPO), SA Poultry Association (SAPA), National Wool Growers Association (NWGA), SA Animal Health Association (SAAHA), Milk SA (MPO and SAMPRO), SA Mohair Growers Association (Mohair SA), SA Veterinary Association (SAVA), SA Feedlot Association (SAFA), Animal Feed Manufacturers Association (AFMA), Federation for Small Stock Breeders (FSB), SA Equine Health and Protocol (SAEHP), Wildlife Ranching SA (WRSA) and the DALRRD Directorate of Animal Health and Production to name a few.
The projects we have driven through cooperation between DALRRD-DAHP and Provincial Veterinary Services include Foot and Mouth Steering, Outbreak and FMD Control Zone Market Access Committees, Livestock Identification and Traceability (LITS SA) Committee, Risk Mitigation and Compensation Committee, Antimicrobial Resistance and Residue Monitoring Oversight Committee, Brucellosis Steering Committee, Buffalo Controlled Diseases Committee, and National and Provincial Animal Health Forums. We have recently directed additional projects to be aligned with the National Veterinary Strategy and the five pillars for implementation. Liaison and Communication have been added by the NAHF as an additional pillar. We drive the DALRRD-NAHF Liaison Committee meets quarterly.
The knowledge and data we have gathered over 15 years of constant animal health liaison work and assistance to veterinary services and the animal livestock industries will be a great asset for the group.
We look forward to advocating for animal health and biosecurity to keep South Africa as a country to be reckoned.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at the above contact information.
Yours faithfully
Mr Gerhard Schutte
Chair: The National Animal Health Forum NPC