NOTICE | Expression of interest for the Primary Animal Healthcare Business Coach in the EC and NW province | 9 January 2024

NOTICE | Expression of interest for the Primary Animal Healthcare Business Coach in the EC and NW province | 9 January 2024


Expression of interest for the Primary Animal Healthcare Business Coach in the EC and NW province

FAO under the project on “Sustainable business for animal health service provision through training for veterinary paraprofessionals” is in the process of recruiting the two Primary Animal Healthcare Business Coaches for supporting the first cohort of 44 trained AHTs (21 from the North West and 23 AHTs in the Eastern Cape province) in setting up their PAHC businesses.
The FAO project team has learnt that the area of business management is a new topic for all the AHTs in the country and they require further guidance and support to set up their Primary Animal Healthcare businesses.
We are looking for the short-term services of an experienced private veterinarian working with communal farmers and with an understanding of the rural primary animal health care business environment.
Please share widely with your networks for interested Vets (one representing NW and one representing EC province) to send their  expression of interest, including their CVs and a short proposal (one pager) for this assignment  to  and copy Ms. Nokulunga Xaba  at  before Monday the 15th of January 2024.
Attached please find the ToRs for the Primary Animal Healthcare Business Coach.
For further clarity, please call me. See contact details from the signature below.
Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.


For more information, please contact: or the Country Project Coordinator,  Mr. Jacoray Khunou at ,

Tel: 012 354 8457

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