S A V E T H E D A T E A N D R E G I S T E R | Lumpy Skin Disease Symposium | Hybrid: Virtual and in HQ Rome | 14–16 March 2023

S A V E   T H E   D A T E   A N D   R E G I S T E R  |  Lumpy Skin Disease Symposium |  Hybrid: Virtual and in HQ Rome | 14–16 March 2023

S A V E   T H E   D A T E   A N D   R E G I S T E R

Lumpy Skin Disease Symposium

How science can support evidence-based disease management and control

Hybrid: Virtual and in HQ Rome | 14–16 March 2023


The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) and FAO’s Emergency Prevention System for Animal Health (EMPRES-AH) are pleased to invite you to attend the symposium on Lumpy Skin Disease – How science can support disease management and control. 


The objective of the event is to provide scientists with a platform to present and discuss their most updated findings on a wide range of lumpy skin disease (LSD) and lumpy skin disease virus-related topics. In case of an LSD outbreak occurrence, these data would enhance the preparedness of competent national authorities and provide them with science-based, state-of-the-art tools to design and implement effective disease prevention, control and eradication policies against LSD.


The meeting will be held in English and in a hybrid format (virtual and in Rome, Italy) on 14–16 March 2023.


The meeting will cover the following topics:

  1. current status and advances in epidemiological knowledge on LSD;
  2. combatting LSD in different farming scenarios (management, risk monitoring, and surveillance and challenges); and
  • vaccines, vaccination strategies and diagnostics.


A call for presentations on the above-mentioned topics is now open, with applications to be provided to LSD-Symposium@fao.org no later than 1 February 2023. Abstracts may be submitted before 1 March 2023 through this link.


Participants can register for the symposium (to join virtually or in person) by 15 February 2023. Registration should be done via the link indicated below. Please note that participants attending in person are expected to cover their participation fees, travel to the venue and accommodation in Rome. Places for in-person attendance are limited.


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