Tuberculosis Testing in Sheep and Goats-2018-11-29

Tuberculosis Testing in Sheep and Goats-2018-11-29

Tuberculosis Testing in Sheep and Goats-2018-11-29

The DAFF Directorate Animal Health Disease Control recently published the document below:

The TB Working Group has been working on it for quite a while and I just waited for it to be signed off before sharing.

This is a working document and as it gets used more frequently we can edit as required with new information gained. So if you have any positive/ negative feedback as you use it, please share your thoughts.

Please inform the State Veterinarian in your area if you are conducting TB testing and send him/her a copy of the results (also if it’s negative). This helps to improve private-public relations and gives the State Vet a valuable idea what is going on in their area.

It is also available at:

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