WEBINAR | 27 September 2022 | #WORLD RABIES DAY | Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths

WEBINAR | 27 September 2022 | #WORLD RABIES DAY | Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths

We thank all the attendees who took the time to be at the Rabies Awareness Day Webinar today!!

Please find here the link to the information shared at the event with the presentations and the link to the recording of the event:


WEBINAR | 27 September 2022 | #WORLDRABIESDAY RABIES | Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths

JOIN US ON THE 27th of SEPTEMBER @ 10:00


The presentations and link to the Livestream on Facebook will also be available after the event to share further with the stakeholders.

National Rabies programme




  • 10:00 – 10:10: Welcome and introduction – Dr Mpho Maja (Director: Animal Health, DALRRD) & Ms Tsakani Furumele (Director: Communicable Disease Control, DOH)
  • 10:10 – 10:20: Update on animal rabies situation in South Africa – Mr Kevin le Roux (Rabies Advisory Group Chairperson)
  • 10:20 – 10:35: Update on human rabies situation in South Africa – Dr Jacqueline Weyer (Centre for Emerging Zoonotic and Parasitic Diseases, NICD)
  • 10:35 – 10:45: Update on Rabies Strategy (Zero by 30) progress – Dr Cloete (Disease Control, Directorate: Animal Health, DALRRD)
  • 10:45 – 10:50: Who to contact and where to find more rabies information – Mr John Lobeko (Animal Health Promotion, DALRRD)
  • 10:50 – 11:00: Frequently asked questions – Dr Veronica Letsoalo (Limpopo Rabies Advisory Group representative)
  • 11:00 – onwards: Questions and answers session

Additional panellists

  • South African Veterinary Association – Dr Didi Claassen
  • South African Veterinary Council – President
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